Monday, April 19, 2010

Dialectic Journal - School Daze - My Ishmael

Quote -
"Since they don't have any survival value, they're forced to enter the Taker
economy. Even if they'd rather opt out of that economy, they can't."

Journal entry -
"they" represents the students that go to schools, and since they are going to school, they aren't learning survival skills when they are supposed to, so they are automatically being sucked into the economy, and are unable to leave it, even if they want to. I really see the point in which they're making, and because of this flaw, more and more people are forcibly sucked into something they cant get out of, and because of this, they are getting lazier and lazier, to a point when they wont be able to work anymore, and because of this, they are going to ruin the economy. That's how I think our economy is going to collapse, because of lazy people being sucked into the job economy with no survival skills.


  1. Hi morgan,
    you did a great job of explaining the what the quote meant at the beginning of the paragraph, and what "they". Also you did a good job explaining your opinion of why you think this is happening and that you blame lazy people being sucked into the job economy.

  2. Morgan i like how detailed your dialectic journal is you explained a lot and it was very detailed i made a conection when you said and i quote " students that go to schools, and since they are going to school, they aren't learning survival skills when they are supposed to, so they are automatically being sucked into the economy, and are unable to leave it, even if they want to" i totaly agree
