I am a gamer,
who likes playing games of all sorts.
Board games and video games,
Running games and small games,
Any type of game will do.
I am a gamer,
life is my game.
Getting an "A" in class just means I passed a level,
Passing a grade means I passed a chapter,
and getting a year older means I passed a campaign.
I am a gamer.
Like the life of a wanderer,
A gamer must travel to different games,
and explore his limits,
until he can bear no more.
I am a gamer,
where one life ends when his console shuts off,
he moves on to another,
and another life starts up.
I am a gamer,
Who must switch off a final life,
And awake in what seems like minutes,
Repeating this process every day,
just having fun.
One line that really meant a lot to me were the lines “Like the life of a wanderer,
A gamer must travel to different games, and explore his limits, until he can bear no more.” This
is something I do every once in a while, to find out new ways to do new tasks. The picture I
chose related to these lines because it shows me wandering around, nearly into a gaming world.
The entire writing process began with me writing a poem with one hundred and one words,
about how I consider myself as a gamer. Then everyone critiqued on other people's poems and
gave ideas to each other while taking ideas form reading other peoples' comments on the paper.
After that, I worked on my second draft of my poem and ended up with an even better poem.
Soon after that, we critiques in smaller groups and got some more thorough feedback from other
people. With that feedback, I wrote my third draft, and in the same way our poems were
critiqued the first time, in a gallery critique. I was given more feedback, with which I used to
create my fourth and final draft.
A message that I really want other people to take from this is that I am more than just a
gamer, and that even a gamer has more feelings underneath. Games have taught me a lot more
than just shooting and how to do all of these military tactics. They've taught me about many
different terms including nuclear deterrence and the cold war. So the other message I want
people to learn is that video games can teach you more than just shooting and violence.
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