CRACK! BOOM! You could hear as I caused the gun to click several times, on a warm, nice day in July. The kick from the rifle hit my shoulder, making me feel excited. The adrenaline rushing through my body like a hot knife through butter, I fired several more shots, each one making a loud pinging noise as the metal hit the metal. I was having so much fun, I forgot about where I was aiming, and my finger twitched. As soon as my finger twitched, I saw the dirt fly straight up. It was amazing, watching how as you don’t pay attention, dangerous things could happen.
As I moved to a different weapon, I felt strange, as if I had a fuzzy feeling inside myself, as if I were extremely nervous, but I was just quivering from a lot of leftover adrenaline, still coursing through my body. My Uncle yelled," Don't get nervous! If you do, then you might misfire!" As I got to the next gun, I was ready, and I took his advice. I saw it was an AR-15, with a loud boom after a shot, which scared me, causing me to jump every time it shot. It was awesome, shooting the gun of course.
We went back into my uncle’s garage, as the smells of oil and dust hit my nose with the strength of several decades. They seemed to impound my nose in a jail cell of smells, while my uncle talked about a mounted machine gun in front of him. I would say that it was a pretty darn solid weapon. He quietly said," This gun fires 50 cal. Bullets." We then sprinted back out to clean up our mess outside.
We went inside the cold, wooden house, which seemed like there was something other than us, ate some deliciously made roast beef, then fell into a deep sleep, awaiting a new day, one that would involve much more work than just shooting guns, but that's another story. After that day, I've always felt like more of an adult, like I'm older than I think I really am.
Word count: 366